Starting school in September 2025, come and have a look around our school on Monday 18th November at 3.30pm. We look forward to seeing you.

Berners-Lee Class Y3

Welcome to Berners-Lee Class!
Our class is a team - we are innovators, educators, leaders and learners of the 21st century!
Berners-Lee Class is one of our Y3 classes. We form part of The Innovators Stage. We work closely with our partner Y3 Class, Marconi and our Y4 Classes Brunel and Trevithick.
Our class is named after Sir Tim Berners-Lee who was a Scientist or Inventor. He is famous for his invention of the World Wide Web! As a class, Sir Tim Berners-Lee is our first historical focus as we start Year 3.
Today's learners, tomorrow's leaders
Miss Flude

Class Teacher

Hello, I'm Miss Flude and I am really looking forward to the year ahead. We have got lots of exciting trips, visitors, projects and WOW moments lined up for you all. Berners-Lee class and Marconi class will work closely together with our projects and there will be lots of opportunities for collaborative learning linking to our STEAM curriciulum.

Here are a few facts about me:
- Favourite colour: Pink
- Favourite animal - Penguins
- Favourite beach - Tolcarne
- Favourite book - Gansta Granny!
- Favourtie subjects - English and Art

Miss Martin


Miss Harris


Miss Thompson


Mrs Watts

Spanish teacher

Synopsis of the terms learning


The Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar 

This term, we will be developing our understanding of all aspects of key stage two punctuation and grammar with an in-depth study of key terminology and information relating to grammar and punctuation rules.  


We use VIPERS to cover the reading content domains across KS1 and KS2. In VIPERS, we will be exploring different texts in detail and explore the different strands of VIPERS skills within this. 


Mental arithmetic will continue to be a focus within our maths sessions, having a daily arithmetic session to build on our fluency skills. Understanding of reasoning and problem solving strategies will also play an important role in our learning this year. 


Our PE days will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This year we would like children to bring their PE kit in, ready to change at school. 

Reading and Handwriting 

We devote time daily to independent reading and handwriting, as these are vitally important skills which help us across all curriculum areas. Watch this space for examples of high-quality reading and writing, coming soon!  


Homework is set termly, as an overview, using the platform Google Classroom or providing paper copies where homework is tailored to individual needs. There will be weekly spellings set through Spelling Shed, which are also available on Google Classroom. Daily reading and regular practise of times tables using Times Table Rockstars is also part of our homework expectation. 

Autumn 2
Brains and Bodies
Why do mammals have so many bones?
A showcase of our learning in Berners-Lee Class!

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