Mrs Baxter
Class Teacher
Miss Le Masurier
Teaching Assistant
Miss Mann
1:1 Teaching Assistant
Miss Denning
Teaching Assistant
Key Information
In English, children will study ‘Empires End’, innovating the text to create their own character description. The children will also create a discussion piece linked to their learning on the Romans.
We will continue to develop methods to solve problems with fractions before moving on to a new unit on decimals.
Our PE days will be on Monday and Wednesday. We would like children to come into school wearing their kit in order to be ready for the sessions promptly.
Reading and Handwriting
We devote time daily to independent reading and handwriting, as these are vitally important skills which help us across all curriculum areas. Children need to read on a daily basis at home and at school in order to make the most progress.
Each week, there will be spellings to learn using Spelling Shed. Daily reading and regular practise of times tables using Times Table Rockstars is also part of our homework expectation. There is also a weekly times tables quiz which happens on a Friday alongside our weekly spelling tests.