Welcome to Johnson class!
Our class is a team - we are pioneers, educators, leaders and learners of the 21st century!
Mr Humberstone
Class Teacher
All about me!
Hello, I’m Mr Humberstone and I will be your class teacher in Johnson class
I am really looking forward to the year ahead and we have got lots of exciting trips, visitors, projects and WOW moments lined up for you all. And we can’t forget about the much anticipated year 5 residential! Bouman class and Johnson class will work closely together with our projects and there will be lots of opportunities for collaborative learning linking to our STEAM curriculum.
Here are a few facts about me:
- Favourite colour: Blue
- Favourite animal: Seal/Doggo
- Favourite beach: Porthmeor, St Ives
- Favourite book: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo
- Favourite subjects: PE/Reading
Fun Fact: I LOVE reading children's books and much prefer them to books written for adults. At home, I have a bookcase full of children's books. I've never counted but I would guess I have well over 200! I am always keen to read something new so if you have a suggestion, please don't hesitate to let me know!
I look forward to welcoming you to Johnson class!
Mrs Richards
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Watts
Teaching Assistant
We will be linking our fictional writing to our class novel “The Thousand Year Old Boy” by Ross Welford. We will be learning how to write a diary. As part of our non-fiction topic, we will be learning how to write a discussion text and link this to our History learning so we can explain what we have learnt about the Vikings.
In Maths this term, we will be continuing to focus on multiplication and division and develop confidence in using the formal methods within problem solving calculations. It is really important that we keep practising our times tables and using TTRS or multiplication games to increase our confidence. We will then focus on fractions, decimals and percentages
The children will be working scientifically to investigate the changes of materials. They will learn about reversible and irreversible changes in materials. They will experiment with substances like bicarbonate of soda and acid. Within Science, we will gather data and present our findings appropriately.
Our key question is "Why do some people think God exists? "
In this unit, the children will learn from different religious and non-religious groups about their belief in God. Together, we will consider why people do or don’t believe in God and the impact that might have on the way they live their everyday life. This enhances our understanding of our British values.
We will be learning about Flat file Databases. The unit relates to Maths and Science learning around using data. The children will learn to search and sort data.
The theme of Safer Internet Day is Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.
This term we will be learning Gymnastics and exploring how our bodies’ move and develop sequences using counter-balances. We will also be developing our skills for team sports like Netball including skills such as passing and shooting.
In Music we will focus around one song: Make You Feel My Love by Adele. Together we will learn the ballad and explore how songs are composed and improvised. The children will also listen and appraise other pop ballads.
In PSHE this term, we are discussing keeping myself safe both in our physical world and online. Our British value to focus on is Individual Liberty. In Spanish, we will continue learning with Mrs Watts.
In DT this term, we will be investigating textiles and creating a stuffed toy. We will also question which materials we need to use (based on their properties) and use of range of sewing skills to create our toys. We will design a colour scheme to interest children.