Miss Durston
Class Teacher
Mrs Allen
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Miss Stevens
Teaching Assistant
Miss Manners
Teaching Assistant
Miss Ryan
Teaching Assistant
How can you take the perfect photo?
The Spring will be full of exciting learning opportunities for Year 6. Our topic is based on photography and geography - we will be learning about the medium of photography in art and considering how our local area is changing in geography, taking photos of our ever-changing community as we go! We will also be considering living things and their habitats in science and will be developing our understanding of spreadsheets in computing.
This term, we will be developing our understanding of all aspects of key stage two punctuation and grammar with an in-depth study of key terminology and information relating to grammar and punctuation rules. We will be applying these to non-fiction and fiction writing relating to our geography enquiry question and our science learning.
We use VIPERS to cover the reading content domains across KS1 and KS2. In VIPERS, we will be exploring 'Holes by Louis Sachar' for the entire half term.
Within maths, we will cover ratio, algebra, area and perimeter and statistics. Mental arithmetic will continue to be a focus within our maths sessions, having a daily arithmetic session to build on our fluency skills. Understanding of reasoning and problem solving strategies will also play an important role in this term.
Our PE days will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday. A reminder that the children can now come in to school wearing their PE kit on PE days. This half term will consist of hockey and dance!
Reading and Handwriting
We devote time daily to independent reading and handwriting, as these are vitally important skills which help us across all curriculum areas.
Homework is set weekly, using the platform Google Classroom or providing paper copies where homework is tailored to individual needs. Each week, there will be a piece which will support pupils in English or Maths learning. There will also be weekly spellings set through Spelling Shed, which are also available on Class Dojo. Daily reading and regular practise of times tables using Times Table Rockstars is also part of our homework expectation.