
Darwin Class (Y6)

Welcome to Darwin class!
Our class is a team - we are pioneers, educators, leaders and learners of the 21st century!
Our class is named after Charles Darwin. His pioneering research had an incredible impact across evolutionary biology and his Theory of Evolution. His book, 'On the Origin of Species' outlined his ideas, which are now widely considered as fundamental concepts. His work as a naturalist and geologist also supported the development of scientific understanding. 
Miss Durston

Class Teacher

All about me! Miss Durston
Hello, I'm Miss Durston and I teach Darwin Class (year 6). Year 6 is a year of hard work and adventure, where we continue to grow as learners and individuals. 
We have lots of exciting learning opportunities ahead in our STEAM curriculum and beyond, including our residential to London! 
Here are a few facts about me:
Favourite Food: cheese
Favourite Animal: flamingo
Favourite Book: The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
Favourite Beach: Polly Joke
Favourite Hobby: sea swimming, paddle boarding or surfing
Mrs Allen

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Miss Stevens

Teaching Assistant

Miss Manners

Teaching Assistant

Miss Ryan

Teaching Assistant

How did the planned invasion of Britain end in failure?

The spring will be full of exciting learning opportunities for Year 6. Our topic is based on an aspect of history - world war 2. We also learn about electricity - how it works and its development - in science. We have other opportunities available for pupils in our wider curriculum areas. In Computing, we learn about web-page creation, we make steady hand games in DT and consider what can be done to reduce racism and whether religion can help in RE.


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

 This term, we will be continuing to develop our understanding of all aspects of key stage two punctuation and grammar with an in-depth study of key terminology and information relating to grammar and punctuation rules. 



In writing, we will continue to develop our writer's voice and transcription skills alike. Our focus will be an evacuee diary entry. We will also write an explanation text, where we demonstrate our understanding of world war 2.



We will continue to develop our reading skills this half term by reading 'Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian'. We will consider the impact of a range of literary devices on the reader, including their intent and inferences.



Within maths, we will cover place value and the four areas of calculation: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division including fractions and measure. Mental arithmetic will continue to be a focus within our maths sessions, having a daily arithmetic session to build on our fluency skills. Understanding of reasoning and problem solving strategies will also play an important role in this term. 



Our PE days will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday and this year we would like children to bring their PE kit in, ready to change at school. This half term will consist of Outdoor Adventurous Activities and Football!


Reading and Handwriting

We devote time daily to independent reading and handwriting, as these are vitally important skills which help us across all curriculum areas.



Homework is set weekly, using the platform Google Classroom or providing paper copies where homework is tailored to individual needs. Each week, there will be a piece which will support pupils in English, Maths or Topic learning. There will also be weekly spellings set through Spelling Shed, which are also available on Google Classroom. Daily reading and regular practise of times tables using Times Table Rockstars is also part of our homework expectation. 


Here is an overview of our planned learning for this half term:
A showcase of our learning in Darwin class!

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