Starting school in September 2025, come and have a look around our school on Monday 18th November at 3.30pm. We look forward to seeing you.


Music at Nansledan


At Nansledan we aim to provide children with a high-quality education in Music, which develops their appraising, historical knowledge, composing and performing skills. They will consistently be given opportunities to be critical and creative within music in order to develop their skills as young musicians.


At Nansledan school we have adopted the scheme Charanga to support music teaching. Charanga works seamlessly with the national curriculum ensuring that learners revisit the interrelated dimensions of music: pulse, voice, pitch and rhythm- building upon previous learning and skills.


The learning within this Scheme is based on: Listening and Appraising, Musical Activities, creating and exploring and singing and performing.  


Music is taught as a separate subject, but links will be made to other learning when appropriate, such as the children’s topic work for that term. All learners from EYFS to Y6 receive a at least a weekly music lesson supported by Charanga. In addition we provide weekly singing opportunities: through collective worship, choir, vocal lessons from peripatetic teachers and cross-curricular learning. Our school proactively uses music to promote fundamental British Value and uses music to engage parents/carers and the wider community through perfomances and celebrations.


Early Years Foundation stage:


In the foundation stage singing is weaved throughout the day. Singing songs and rhymes together is a great way to develop their communication and language skills in a fun and engaging way. Singing and dancing also helps children express their feelings and ideas, and share them with others, which reinforces positive relationships with adults and other children. Music activities are great for helping build children's confidence, encouraging them to interact with each other, and helping them learn to participate in group activities. Music is also excellent for their physical development. They learn to move in a range of new ways as they dance in time with the music or play musical instruments to a tune.

Each Unit of Work comprises of the strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music:

Musical Activities

a. Warm-up Games

b. Optional Flexible Games

c. Singing

d. Playing instruments

e. Improvisation

f. Composition

Charanga enables teachers to use a progressive and interrelated learning spiral which allows children to re-visit established musical skills and concepts to further their understanding of music.



Nansledan School
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